Best day! We kicked off our Beats & Bubbly Summer Series with a pool party at The Adolphus Hotel Rooftop Pool! What a blast! Follow @beatsandbubbly for updates on events throughout the year!

Of course, in true Beats & Bubbly fashion, we had to break out the disco ball stir sticks! Everyone went crazy for them!

It was so good to see old friends and to make new ones! Honestly, it's been a while since I really pushed myself to make new friends, be super social at an event, and try to talk to new people, and it was so good to get out of my comfort zone and do it. I had so much fun and I think everyone else did too! We even had an engagement happen during the pool party!! So fun to see!

I had blue fingernails to match my blue swimsuit!

What a fun event! If you want to see the video coverage, check out The Adolphus Beats & Bubbly IG Highlight.
All of my outfit details and pool party supplies are linked below!