Here's what to pack and what NOT to pack in your hospital bag!
One of my favorite pieces in the nursery!
Your *musts* this season!
Sharing one of my favorite parts of my favorite room in the house!
Chloe's birth story and all of the things I didn't know going into childbirth!
Was it the best or the worst trimester?! Here's how my 3rd trimester went, plus everything I did to prepare for baby during the final countdown!
Must-haves for my breast-feeding journey!
Here's what I brought to the hospital for my L&D team, and it was such a hit!
With limited storage space and no clue what postpartum will look like for me, I'm trying to be as prepared as possible! Here's what I'm stocking my mobile diaper change/breastfeeding/postpartum care cart with!
Recap and sources from my wildflower-themed baby shower!
Ways I'm preparing my mind, body, and spirit for our baby's arrival in July!
It's hard to decide because all of the options are so good!
Our kitchen update and new door!
Weeks 14-26 are gone!
The details of everything we had to do before we could actually paint!
This is officially the nicest closet in our house!
We're building a custom closet for our daughter's nursery - here's the vision!
What I learned in year one of gardening and how I'm adjusting for year two!
Update of my pregnancy journey at 19 weeks!
My favorite closet transformation!
Is it big enough?
Baby Wood coming early July 2023!
Thanksgiving hosting made simple!
How to build easy DIY picture frame molding!
Say hello to my brand new modern luxe home office! I love it!
It's that time! Soak it up or it will be gone before you know it! Here are a few ideas to help you enjoy this season!
24 hours in Chicago with NOW Foods!
If you're usually last on your list, this post is for you!
Small space, big impact!
An update on my current wellness routine, workout program, and daily habits.
New office comin' in hot. Time to upgrade my personal office!
We installed a ceiling medallion above our dining room chandelier and you can do it too!
I busted out the sewing machine and made these custom linen cafe curtains with a French pleat!
Would you wait 6 months for a coffee pot?
My first harvest and I couldn't be happier!
DIY cattle panel garden trellis! You can do it for under $100!
All of your bee FAQ answered here!
My seedlings have been transplanted! Here's what I'm growing this year in my raised garden beds.
DIY! How to build your own raised garden beds!
Transform old vessels into textured show stoppers in one afternoon!
I transformed my 1950s pink bathroom into a modern jungalow!
It's still pink, and it's in the home stretch! Giving you a bathroom progress update!
The week you've been waiting for (if you're an organization nerd, like me!)
We have light! Our sconces are in!
How I turned my laminate countertops into soapstone using epoxy!
Quick and easy DIY update to our front door and porch!
It's not too late to enjoy fall before moving on to Christmas! Here are 5 easy ways to enjoy this amazing season before it's over!
Time to tackle a kitchen renovation! Here's the vision and steps we're taking to build our dream kitchen!
My top tips from my first move in 10+ years!!
Here's the first thing we did to our new house after closing!