Before we begin, I'll state the obvious. I'm 32 weeks pregnant (!!!) and the nursery isn't done. (oops!) By not done, of course I mean that I haven't quite started there's that. Now we can proceed.
If you're wondering what in the world I've been doing with my time these past 32 weeks, here ya go:
replacing nursery baseboards
new landscaping
and new garage/laundry room!
So we've been busy, just not on the nursery. My husband made me promise that after the last project that I would work on the nursery. TBH I would rather work on baby shower plans (former event planner here!!), so I've still found a way to procrastinate.
The real issue is that I haven't decided what nursery style I want to go with (which is always my dilemma with all home decor projects) Our house is a 1955 ranch, but I'm updating it to be a "modern cottage" but how modern vs how "cottage" do I want to go? So tough!
With any project, of course I start on I've basically been living on Pinterest for the past 6 months! Here are 3 of my favorite nursery images: cottage, neutral, and modern.

I suppose this is more glam cottage, but you get it. Wallpaper is having a major moment, right?! I'm loving it! I feel like if I want to do wallpaper anywhere in the house, it should be the nursery. BUT that's also a lot of pattern and I do love a neutral vibe...but I also love color and a pink nursery sounds so adorable for baby girl! One major strike for wallpaper. The style of paper I like (chinoiserie) seems to be the most expensive at $900/sq. ft....ok not quite that much, but quite a bit for even one wall! Not sure if I'm willing to spend the money if I'm not 100% sold on it.

I mean, i love this vibe. Picture frame molding, layers of white and cream textures - so good! My office is currently this vibe, so while I do love picture frame molding, I wonder if adding to another bedroom is overkill? And I kind of want to add it to the living room....and our bedroom. Yikes. Even still, love this vibe.

This still reads kind of neutral! I said at the very beginning of my pregnancy that the nursery was either going to be black and white or all pink, so this would be the all pink option ;) I do like the idea of a ceiling beam treatment, as opposed to the picture frame/wall molding.
So now that you know how varied my tastes are, you can see the problem. I thought that perhaps writing this out in a blog post might help bring some clarity, so it hasn't yet ;) Below are a few "moodboards" I've created to help visualize some mix and match styles and furniture pieces. Don't judge- remember, I'm not an interior designer and this is just to help put different things together! None of these are "the one" ;) First, a screenshot of my workspace inside're welcome for not showing them all to you!

Links: light // wallpaper // art gallery prints // crib // curtains // glider // dresser // bow chair // rug // mirror

Links: light // molding DIY info // art gallery prints // crib // curtains // glider + ottoman // dresser // bow chair // rug // mirror

Links: light // molding DIY info // art gallery prints // crib // curtains // glider + ottoman // dresser // bow chair // rug // mirror
I hope these help some of you who may be looking for nursery inspo!