I'm starting to look pregnant and it is WILD! I get asked the same questions over and over (naturally!) so I wanted to answer a few of them today and also document some of the fun of this season of pregnancy.
For the last few weeks, it's mostly looked like I've just gained weight! It's also been cold so I'm living in leggings and hoodies right now. I'm excited for warmer weather and to be able to show my cute little bump! I'm heading to Mexico this weekend so it will be fun to wear a few different styles for warmer weather.
Products I'm Loving
I don't feel like I've done a lot/bought a lot of pregnancy-specific items, but I definitely have a few new faves that I've been using over the last few weeks.
- Pregnancy Pillow (and I ordered this one too) - I wanted to start with the smaller one, but I ordered it and it said it wouldn't arrive for 3 more weeks! So I ordered the big mama pillow and tbh it's hilarious! It's helping me transition to side-sleeping or at least propping me up so I'm not flat on my back.
- Belly Oil - this was my first pregnancy purchase and I'm using it daily.
- Skims bra - It was time for new bras anyway, but mine were also getting too small! lol I love this Skims bra that provides just enough support but is comfortable enough to lounge in.
- Nordstrom pajamas - I have these in multiple colors, but needed to size up, so I grabbed a large set in the black pant/long sleeve version and love! I also saw the gray shorts version on sale, so I grabbed those in a large too! By the time Baby is due at the beginning of July, so I know I won't be wanting to sleep in long sleeves this summer.
- Sezáne heart sweatshirt - I basically wear this sweatshirt every single day at some point, so it's an essential in my book! I've never been one to spend money on loungewear, but now I'm starting to come around! ;)

Style the Bump
The great irony of trying to now dress my bump is that a few months ago I did a huge closet cleanout and tossed or donated so much. Quite a few things were from years ago when I was a little larger. I told myself that I wouldn't ever wear that size again, so I donated them...now here I am sizing up in EVERYTHING! lol
Overall, I'm planning to be more of a capsule pregnancy wardrobe gal and focus on pieces that will work for maternity and postpartum, without buying specialty maternity items. I'll buy a few basics, but as we get into summer, I know I'll be all about dresses and will keep my style fairly simple (I think!).
For now, it's still chilly, and this Sezane wrap dress is the perfect bump dress to pair with tights or wear with sneaks for a casual look. I definitely already wore this on a double date Saturday night then to church the next morning with different accessories.
Baby Gear
I've started to research gear...as in cribs, strollers, and all of the things. Here's my big question: $1700 for a SNOO? Really? I'm all for spending money on baby, but that just seems crazy. Jury is still out on if I "need" that one. Ha!
When we visit Nordstrom, we do a spin through the Baby Gear section; so far, we have gotten a few stroller demos and been impressed! I'm busy reading all the blogs I can find about what other moms invested in, saved on, and their reviews of the gear they chose. If you have feedback for me, I'm all ears. ;)
Gender Reveal
WE KNOW THE GENDER. We found out last week! That's all I'll say. ;) We are keeping it a secret for now, but I'm working on my gender reveal plans. Usually the couple gets to be surprised, but of course we like to be special so we are doing things a little different. We knew we didn't want to have a traditional gender reveal party and have everyone stand there and watch us pop a balloon or something. SO after a few days of deep dives on Pinterest (and finding zero inspiration), I've come up with something totally random and very "me" and I think that's what I want to do. TBH I still have to pitch my idea to Adam, but since it's not outrageous, I think he'll be on board. I just need to decide if we want this to be an idea for our immediate family or if we want to expand to includes friends or a larger group. TBD! :)
You know I love a fun event, and my event planner background just loves a surprise/surprise party idea! We'll probably reveal the gender in the next couple of weeks!
Let me tell you....even now that I know the gender, my Pinterest browses are doing NOTHING for me. Prior to knowing, I was browsing gender neutral nursery ideas, and I just wasn't seeing anything amazing. Nothing is speaking to me. You know what room I love? My office! (and I'm installing a new light fixture today!) We thought about just turning my office into the nursery, BUT I just worked so hard to make the space exactly what I want, not to mention, my beautiful closet makeover! so I think we are going to start from scratch in another bedroom.
I know it will come together as I think more about what I want that space to look and feel like, so I'm not worried!
Overall, I'm relaxing! One of my daily affirmations is "thank you Lord for an easy and relaxing pregnancy and birth!" and that's definitely where I'm at right now. Praise the Lord! We are still so thankful for our gift of new life and are excited to be parents!