It's finally here! Did you think I would ever finish my office makeover?! (Ha!)
I had to dig for a before photo and found one from right when we moved in (about one year ago!) - so tragic. I knew when we moved in that I wanted to give this space some special attention, but it wasn't until a few months ago that I finally got a vision for what I wanted this room to look and feel like! If you missed it, here's my Office Mood Board.
This before photo is probably the nicest it reality, it was the catch-all room for furniture from our old house until we figured out what we wanted to do! As soon as I decided that it was time to makeover the office, I started selling furniture (and plants!) that didn't fit the vibe (aka everything) to make room for the new items...which also helped my overall project budget.
This might be the first space I've ever made an actual mood board for and then stuck to it and actually saved money and bought the items I really wanted instead of "hacking" something on a budget. TBH it felt GOOD! ;) I think I've definitely turned into a mood board fan.
The luxe furniture is the biggest change, but aside from that, the picture-frame molding STEALS. THE. SHOW. It makes such a difference! I love it so much! I'll be sharing an in-depth picture-frame molding DIY blog post next week!
The molding was actually fairly simple to measure, cut, and attach to the wall. You know what the hard part was? CAULKING. and filling all of those brad nailer holes - what a pain! Lol! But it was all worth it, because it looks so good in here now! Probably for two weeks straight after finishing the office, my husband would come from work, and I would say "honey, come look at my new office!" Ha! He was a good sport about it.
Of course the burl wood desk is the centerpiece of the room and I absolutely love that it doesn't have drawers to hold CLUTTER! It has been a dream to work here so far!
A couple iphone photos for you to show you the curtains! These make a huge difference in the room! They help sound quality and add texture and softness to the room, which I love. I ended up order these pinch pleat semi-custom drapes off of Amazon and I love them! They took about 3 weeks to arrive. I got two panels of the 52"x96" in #2 Ivory White and they are perfect. They are unlined to still let light in, and I love the linen texture!

Of course, disco light makes everything better ;) The photo above is perfect to show you the baseboards...I was debating ripping out the old ones and adding new before this photoshoot, but the timing was a little tight for me. So as of yesterday, the new baseboards have been ordered and I decided to go ahead and install them. They just won't get the grand reveal treatment...but I know they'll make a huge difference in the space!