1. Don’t try to be perfect!
In a world where we celebrate perfectionism and applaud workaholics, we must remember that not everything can be perfect every time. Let go of perfectionism and you’ll be able to breathe easier knowing that you’re going to fail/someone else will be better than you/your friends will still love you. I promise it will be okay.
2. Schedule downtime/rest!
I’m the queen busy bee and I have to fight against it and work hard to not make plans every single day of the week. On my schedule tomorrow, there is a huge chunk of time blocked off that says “CHILL.” Figure out what relaxes you and what you truly enjoy doing- schedule time for that. Over the weekend, I bought new storage containers and organized my craft closet…I was so happy because I love to organize!
3. Eliminate wasted time and people!
That sounds harsh, but it’s important to know where you’re spending your time, and especially where you’re wasting time. People think I’m crazy because I don’t watch TV, but that’s wasted time for me, so I don’t do it. Do you have friends or coworkers who require a lot of time but you don’t enjoy it or they’re so negative that you feel horrible after you part ways? It’s time to cut back on draining activities and relationships and only make time for what produce good!
4. Focus on your specialty!
We all have things that we are inherently good at and wired for. Stick to those. Look for ways to save time and energy by outsourcing tasks that aren’t your specialty. For example, can you have your dry cleaning picked up and dropped off at your house? Can you hire a neighborhood boy to mow your lawn? It might cost a little more, but that time saved is worth it.
5. Exercise!
You knew that exercise would be on this list, as if you need another reason to do it! A strenuous workout or something as simple as a 20 minute walk will add the energy you need to get through your day! Grab a friend of neighbor and commit to working out at least 3 times per week if you’re not already. You’ll feel a difference immediately!
It’s tough to find balance, but you can do it! Remember to “treat yo’ self” and enjoy the journey because you will never be perfect… and that’s okay.