I HATED GUAC. Until this year. Seriously!! Then I started getting into "healthy fats" and boom! I was hooked. First, I started adding sliced avocado (like, literally only 2 slices) to my eggs in the morning, but now I request guac multiple times a week and am scraping the bowl to get the last bite!
Oh! Hey! I almost forgot...welcome to the first-ever Foodie Friday post! (man, I love alliteration!) I'm not a food blogger, but I do love to eat, host dinner parties, and entertain in my home! I often post a photo of a dessert or dinner I made and get requests for the recipe only to have to tell someone "idk...Pinterest?" So this series gives me a space to do something I enjoy and share it with you! I was chatting with a good friend of mine, who also happens to be an exceptional photographer, (shoutout Kaylynn!) about how we could make blogging fun again, and this is what we came up with! I'm thrilled to be partnering with her on the Foodie Friday series and can't wait to bring you tons of great food and beverage recipe content!

Backing up...when I say I "request" guac, it's because I'm not the one who makes it and I have been trying for months to get the recipe. Good news: I NOW HAVE THE RECIPE! So of course it's my duty to mankind to share it on the internet, because let me tell you: I've had some bad guacamole in my time and that has to stop!

First, to all of the haters out there who "just want the recipe" and don't want to read the story....sorry 'boutcha! I LOVE reading a good story from a food blogger because if I randomly find them via Pinterest, how else am I going to get to know them?! So, y'all can just hang tight, or scroll down, duh.

OK, OK, let's get to it! Like I said, this is the BEST. GUAC. EVER. It's very simple, but SO important that you get the ingredients right. SO important.
- 2 medium to large avocados (not hard, but not mush...they yield to gentle pressure)
- juice from 1/2 lime (MUST BE FRESH LIME JUICE)
- 1 clove of garlic (FRESH, NOT FROM A JAR!)
- salt
- fresh ground pepper
- (optional garnish) pico de gallo
- (optional garnish) cotija cheese
- citrus press (optional)
- molcajete (optional) I just got mine and am obsessed (!!), but a fork and regular bowl will work, too!
- garlic press (if you don't have one already, it's a game-changer! order it immediately.)

- First, slice and dice your avocado into a bowl or your molcajete. Doesn't matter how you do it, just remove the skin and the pit, and you're on your way!
- Next up: garlic! Remove the skin from your garlic clove and insert it into your garlic press. Remember, you only need one clove! Squeeze and add the garlic to your avocado.
- Use your citrus press to squeeze half a lime's worth of juice into your avocado bowl. Don't even think about using store-bought juice!! Must be fresh!
- Salt and pepper to taste! I know, you want a measurement, so how about... three pinches of each? ;)
- MIX! Use your molcajete pestle to grind the avocado until smooth and well-combined with other ingredients. If you're using a fork and bowl: mush, mush mush! I personally prefer a smooth guac, as opposed to chunky guac, so switch to a spoon to finish smashing the avocado chunks for a smooth texture.
- Garnish with pico and cotija cheese or enjoy plain!
- Serve with chips, tacos, tortillas...basically anything. ;) Enjoy!

Of course, if we are having chips and guac, a margarita is definitely fair game! Here is my recipe for the perfect frozen marg and a paloma, too!
There you have it! The best. guac. ever. Now you're ready to guac and roll ;) Until next time, happy Foodie Friday! Here is a little behind the scenes look at shooting FF with Kaylynn!