You've definitely heard the old adage "garbage in, garbage out" and this is a similar thought, but from the positive side. It's July 1 and we are half way through 2019- I can't believe it (and neither can my list of goals for the year!). I'm a big believer in setting goals, tracking progress, and reevaluating throughout the year. July also happens to be my birthday month (insert freak out here) so I'm feeling very aware of everything I've accomplished and have yet to accomplish so far this year AND in life!
Yesterday I wanted to add a reminder to my phone to pop up throughout the day just to keep me on track. I thought about it for a while and eventually landed on "good input, good output" for a few reasons. I wanted a positive reminder; it's not helpful to yell at yourself! Instead of telling yourself "don't get distracted" try saying "stay focused." I've written about goals before: goals from 2018, fitness goals, and how to dream big, and sometimes you just need a reminder!
Good Input, Good Output. I like it. There are situations you can't control and outcomes that you don't anticipate, but I think that for the most part, you're in control. You can set goals and accomplish anything you want. I'm pretty sure my parents used to tell me that I could be anything I want when I grow up...and I definitely still believe it! ;) As I'm thinking about the rest of the year, I'm strategizing how I can continue to build myself up with "good input" and here's how you can too!
Feed Your Soul
You are made up of three parts: your soul, your body, and your spirit. Your soul is made up of your mind, will, emotions... your personality. I set a goal this year to read one book per month and have done a fairly good job of sticking to that! I KNOW personal development is so important and nobody else is going to do it for me! Success books, business concepts, and novels are all helpful in constantly developing new ideas, staying creative, and even improving your vocabulary! (obvi v important!) ;) My June book is getting pretty old, but the concepts still hold true. I'm almost done with 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and even though the book should be called 49 Habits of Highly Effective People (so. much. information.), it has made me think A LOT about my day to day actions, productivity levels, and why I do the things I do. One of the ideas it talks about is "important" versus "urgent" and what tasks take up most of your time. I find myself spending time on more "urgent" tasks than I should. I want to focus more on higher level planning, setting myself up for long-term success, and working in a proactive instead of reactive way! Good Input, Good Output.
Fuel Your Body
I love that this little input/output mantra can be applied to taking care of your body! I was originally thinking that it made sense for your diet and nutrition intake, but it can also be applied to workouts, skincare, everything! I set up this reminder to go off on my phone four times a day and one of the benefits of this reminder is definitely going to be encouragement to eat healthy. I feel SO much better when I'm giving my body nutrients that it needs to run at a high level instead of sugar and carbs (shout-out, brunch!) that make me tired and sluggish! I want to be a good steward of my body, and that means eating "clean" most of the time. I'm all for special occasion treats, but want to be hydrated and well-fed on a daily basis! Good Input, Good Output.
Nourish Your Spirit
This is a big one! Your spirit is the deepest part of you and it needs attention, too! One of my favorite parts of my daily routine is in the morning with my coffee, when I read a devotional, the Bible, journal, and pray to start my day. I post often about my devotional, New Morning Mercies, and my new beautiful Bible, and those are two resources that nourish me that I love sharing with you! Good Input, Good Output.
I'm hoping that by reminding myself of the input/output relationship, I'll be more in tune with my daily practices and if I'm putting in good work/effort or if I'm slacking. I love applying this to relationships too and thinking how I can put quality input into friendships and relationships in my life to make them richer! What area of your life do you need to check your input/output?