"Kanpai" means "cheers!" and this series is all about celebrating the Dallas community and creating new relationships! We are two events in, with two events to go, and I have had so much fun putting together these weekly Thursday happy hours to provide a place for people to connect! The space at KAI- Legacy West is beautiful and their second floor patio space has a retractable roof that has been the perfect backdrop for our summer night networking events!

I've had great feedback from guests who love the location and love having an excuse to visit Legacy West! I'm shocked at how many people still haven't visited the new Legacy West development! I love that Dallas friends are willing to drive 20 minutes to Legacy, and that my friends in the 'burbs get a break from having to drive into Dallas!

This series is all about connecting people. Week one focused on bloggers; week two started out as a fitness community focus but turned into my volleyball crew, my church crew, and blogger friends! Week 3 this week is celebrating female-run businesses and organizations in Dallas; week 4 will be in partnership with Vouch Dating App, which everyone is excited about! I can't wait for the final two events because the first two were such a success! I love being able to help people overcome a little social anxiety and meet a few new friends! I know it can be overwhelming to walk into an event without knowing anyone, but the reward is so great if you're willing to embrace the awkwardness for a few minutes at the beginning!

Last week I arrived a little early and ordered some sushi to enjoy for dinner. It came right as guests were starting to arrive, and it was so hard for me to break away from greeting people to eat my sushi (and I was so hungry! haha) So this week I'm going to get there earlier and order my sushi and sit in the corner and eat, THEN I'll be able to focus on socializing. ;) If you haven't eaten at KAI yet, you should definitely order something to eat off of their happy hour menu- half off sushiii!

I can't wait to see you this Thursday, 8/8, and next Thursday, 8/15, for our final two events of the series! Be brave and come out to say hello!