I know we are ALL ready to say "good riddance" to 2020! Can I get an amen?!
Everyone has had their fair share of ups and downs this year, but I'm determined to make New Year's Eve great! Every year for the last six years, I have hosted Beats & Bubbly, a black tie gala with over 1,000+ guests...well! NOT THIS YEAR! I'm still sad that I can't ring in the new year how I reallyyyy want to, but I'm going to make the best of it...and you can TOO!
I know everyone will be celebrating differently and some people will have house parties, and some will go to restaurants, and some will find socially distanced events to go to..that's all great! I'm sharing a couple ideas here for those of you who are celebrating at home and looking for ways to make it extra special.
First things first, dressing up makes everything better! In the past, I've worn a formal gown on NYE for my black tie event, so I'm not sure what I'll do yet this year, but I know it will be GLAM! Dressing up makes photos more fun, makes living room dance parties more fun, and even makes dinner taste better! ;) Time to break out the sequins!

Special Food/Drink
This seems so simple, but it makes a difference! Find a way to up-level your at-home dining experience! If you're cooking, add something new to the menu, or buy a slightly nicer cut of meat to cook, etc. If you don't normally have an appetizer, make a special one for NYE dinner. OR if you always cook, order out from your favorite Dallas restaurant! Sixty Vines is one of my favorites and doing an NYE curbside special.
For drinks, you've got options! Create a fun cocktail at home or buy a nicer bottle of Champagne to enjoy! I ordered this fun Champagne and party horn kit from Foxtrot and I'm obsessed! Don't ask how many times I've already blown the horn (haha!)

An activity
But really, what are you supposed to do while you wait for the clock to strike midnight?! If it's just you and your significant other, plan an activity like a special movie or game to last until 11:30pm so you don't have to wait too long to celebrate! If you're with a small group of family or friends, you could plan a game or theme to keep people busy until they start to relax and want to chat more with other guests.

What is NYE without fun props?! Party horns, my signature disco ball cup, a confetti canon, party hats...get it all! I LOVE confetti and think a confetti canon gives you the most impact for a countdown, but be ready to vacuum in the morning! It's so worth it to me though. Have fun with it!
I hope this helps spark a few ideas for NYE! Happy New Year!